As Amazon’s marketplace continues to grow and evolve, the importance of leveraging data-driven insights cannot be overstated. With millions of sellers competing for customers’ attention, having access to the right analytics tools can be the key differentiator in achieving success.

The ever-expanding reach of e-commerce and the unparalleled dominance of Amazon has created an immensely competitive environment for sellers. To thrive in this landscape, sellers must understand their customers, competition, and market trends. Amazon brand analytics tools are designed to provide sellers with the critical information they need to make well-informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

Quick Guide.

Importance of Analytics Tools for Amazon Sellers

Amazon’s platform presents an immense opportunity for sellers to reach a massive global customer base. However, with such vast potential comes significant complexity. Analyzing customer behavior, identifying product trends, monitoring competitors, and optimizing listings are crucial for success on Amazon.

Analytics tools consolidate large data sets, providing sellers with actionable insights that can significantly impact their business. Understanding customer preferences, search trends, and purchase behavior enables sellers to tailor their product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly. Moreover, staying informed about competitors’ activities allows sellers to adjust their pricing, promotional efforts, and inventory management to stay competitive.

Growing Popularity of Amazon Analytics Tools

As Amazon sellers increasingly recognize the value of data-driven decision-making, the popularity of Amazon brand analytics tools has soared. Sellers understand that these tools streamline their workflow, save time, and provide insights that can significantly impact their bottom line.

Additionally, the number of sellers on the platform creates an environment where staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Analytics tools offer sellers a competitive edge, enabling them to identify opportunities and areas for improvement that may have gone unnoticed otherwise.

Top ten Amazon analytics tools

Their key features, benefits, customer reviews, and pricing options.


SellerApp is a comprehensive Amazon brand analytics tool designed to empower Amazon sellers with data-driven insights to optimize their strategies and achieve success on the platform. Whether you’re a new seller looking to establish a presence on Amazon or an experienced seller aiming to scale your business, SellerApp offers valuable features to streamline your operations and make informed decisions.

sellerapp amazon analytics tools

Key Features:

PPC Optimization: 

The SellerApp PPC optimization feature is a game-changer for sellers aiming to improve the performance of their advertising campaigns. The platform offers data-driven recommendations to help sellers fine-tune their PPC campaigns, optimize bid strategies, and allocate their ad budget effectively. By maximizing the ROI of their ad spend, sellers can attract more qualified traffic to their listings and increase sales.

Amazon DSP Service: 

Amazon DSP is typically used by larger advertisers, brands, and agencies to reach and target specific audiences with display and video ads on and off the Amazon platform. It offers more advanced advertising capabilities, such as audience targeting, retargeting, and brand awareness campaigns.

Listing Optimization: 

SellerApp offers tools to help sellers optimize their product listings for better conversions. From optimizing product titles and bullet points to improving images and descriptions, sellers can use SellerApp’s insights to enhance their listings and attract more customers.

Product Research: 

SellerApp’s product research feature allows sellers to identify high-demand products with low competition. By analyzing historical data, search trends, and customer behavior, sellers can uncover profitable niches and make data-driven decisions about their product offerings.

Sales Tracking: 

Monitoring product performance and sales metrics is crucial for sellers to gauge the effectiveness of their strategies. SellerApp provides real-time sales tracking, enabling sellers to analyze revenue trends and understand how their products perform.

Competitor Analysis: 

Staying ahead of competitors is essential in Amazon’s competitive marketplace. SellerApp’s competitor analysis feature allows sellers to monitor their competitors’ pricing, promotions, and product strategies. With this information, sellers can adjust their tactics and identify areas for improvement.

Keyword Research: 

Effective keyword optimization is vital for improving search visibility and driving traffic to product listings. SellerApp’s keyword research feature helps sellers identify relevant and high-converting keywords, enabling them to optimize their listings for maximum exposure.


Data-Driven Decision Making: 

SellerApp’s accurate and real-time data gives sellers valuable insights to make informed decisions. By understanding market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities, sellers can tailor their strategies for maximum impact.

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Insights: 

For sellers using Amazon’s FBA service, SellerApp provides valuable insights into FBA fees, storage costs, and inventory performance. This information helps sellers assess the profitability of using FBA and make data-driven decisions about fulfillment strategies.

Time and Cost Savings: 

SellerApp streamlines various aspects of selling on Amazon, saving sellers time and effort. With SellerApp’s automation features, sellers can efficiently manage their product research, listing optimization, and sales tracking, allowing them to focus on growing their business.

Improved Sales and Revenue: 

By leveraging SellerApp’s product research and sales tracking features, sellers can identify profitable products and optimize their listings to increase sales and revenue. Additionally, competitor analysis helps sellers stay competitive and capture more market share.

Enhanced Advertising Strategy: 

SellerApp provides valuable insights into the performance of advertising campaigns, including PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. Sellers can analyze the effectiveness of their ad spend, identify high-performing keywords, and optimize their advertising strategy to achieve a better return on investment (ROI).

Inventory Management: 

Efficiently managing inventory is crucial to avoid stockouts or excess inventory, both of which can have adverse effects on sales and profitability. SellerApp’s sales tracking and demand forecasting features help sellers optimize their inventory levels, ensuring they always have the right amount of stock on hand.

International Expansion Support: 

For sellers looking to expand to different Amazon marketplaces globally, SellerApp provides valuable data on international market trends, customer behavior, and competition. This data helps sellers make informed decisions when entering new markets and tailoring their strategies for specific regions.

Customer Review and Pricing:

Customer Review
customer review sellerapp

SellerApp offers different subscription plans to cater to sellers of various sizes and needs. The pricing options typically include monthly and annual plans, with the latter offering cost savings for sellers who commit to a longer term.

sellerapp pricing details

Additionally, SellerApp often offers a free trial period for new users to explore the platform’s features and experience its benefits firsthand. This trial period allows sellers to assess whether SellerApp meets their requirements before committing to a subscription.

To access SellerApp and its features, sellers can visit the official website and sign up for the plan that best suits their business needs. The platform is typically accessible to sellers across different regions, enabling Amazon sellers worldwide to benefit from its powerful analytics and optimization capabilities.


DataHawk is a powerful Amazon brand analytics tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to cater to sellers’ needs in keyword research, product research, and listing optimization. Its real-time data tracking capabilities enable sellers to stay up-to-date on keyword performance and product rankings, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their Amazon business for maximum success.

datahawk tools for amazon

Key Features:

Real-Time Data Tracking: 

DataHawk’s real-time data tracking feature provides sellers with up-to-the-minute information on keyword performance, product rankings, and market trends. This timely and accurate data empowers sellers to react quickly to changes in the market, stay ahead of competitors, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Keyword Research: 

DataHawk’s keyword research feature assists sellers in identifying the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for their products. By understanding the keywords that customers use to search for their products, sellers can optimize their product listings with targeted keywords, improving search visibility and increasing the likelihood of appearing in relevant search results.

Product Research: 

With DataHawk’s product research capabilities, sellers can access valuable data on competitor products, market trends, and customer demand. This information helps sellers identify profitable product niches, evaluate product performance, and make informed decisions about expanding their product offerings.

Listing Optimization: 

DataHawk’s insights into keyword performance and market trends enable sellers to optimize their product listings effectively. By refining product titles, bullet points, and descriptions based on data-driven insights, sellers can enhance their product pages and attract more potential buyers, leading to increased conversions.

Competitor Analysis: 

DataHawk’s competitor analysis feature provides sellers with valuable insights into their competitors’ strategies, pricing, and product performance. By monitoring competitor activities, sellers can identify areas of opportunity, fine-tune their pricing strategies, and adjust their marketing tactics to gain a competitive edge.


Data-Driven Decision Making: 

DataHawk’s accurate and comprehensive data tracking capabilities enable sellers to base their decisions on real-time, data-backed insights. This data-driven approach helps sellers make informed choices about their product offerings, pricing, and marketing strategies, increasing the likelihood of success on Amazon.

Improved Search Visibility: 

By utilizing DataHawk’s keyword research feature, sellers can optimize their product listings with relevant and high-traffic keywords. This optimization enhances their search visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find their products among the vast array of offerings on Amazon.

Identifying Market Trends: 

DataHawk’s ability to identify emerging trends and market dynamics helps sellers stay ahead of the curve. By understanding customer preferences and market shifts, sellers can adapt their strategies and offerings to meet changing demands and capitalize on new opportunities.

Competitive Advantage: 

The competitor analysis feature of DataHawk provides sellers with a valuable advantage by allowing them to monitor their competitors’ activities closely. Armed with this information, sellers can adjust their pricing, promotions, and marketing efforts to stay competitive and attract more customer

Customizable Pricing Options: 

DataHawk offers various subscription options, allowing sellers to choose the plan that best aligns with their business needs and budget. This flexibility ensures that sellers of all sizes and scales can access the powerful analytics tools offered by DataHawk.

Customer Review

Customer reviews praise DataHawk’s accurate and comprehensive data tracking capabilities. Sellers appreciate the tool’s ability to identify emerging trends and provide valuable insights into market dynamics.

customers review on datahawk tools


AMZScout is a powerful Amazon brand analytics tool that offers an extensive range of features to support sellers in various aspects of their Amazon business. From market research and product analysis to profit estimation, AMZScout provides valuable insights to help sellers make informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

amzscout amazon brand analytics tools

Key Features:

Market Research: 

AMZScout equips sellers with data on market trends, demand, and competition. With this information, sellers can identify lucrative product niches and assess the potential for success in a particular market segment.

Product Analysis: 

Analyzing the performance of existing or potential products is crucial for sellers. AMZScout provides comprehensive data on product rankings, sales volume, and customer reviews, allowing sellers to evaluate product viability and popularity.

Profit Estimation: 

Understanding the estimated profitability of a product is essential for making sound business decisions. AMZScout’s profit estimation feature factors in product costs, fees, and sales performance to give sellers an accurate estimate of potential profits.

Chrome Extension: 

AMZScout’s Chrome extension is a game-changer for sellers as it allows them to access key metrics and data directly from Amazon product pages. This feature streamlines the research process, saving time and effort for sellers.

Competition Analysis: 

Staying ahead of competitors is vital in Amazon’s competitive marketplace. AMZScout’s competition analysis feature provides insights into competitor pricing, product performance, and listing strategies. Sellers can use this data to refine their own strategies and gain a competitive edge.


Data-Driven Decision Making: 

AMZScout’s comprehensive data and insights enable sellers to make well-informed decisions. From selecting the right products to understanding market dynamics, AMZScout empowers sellers with the information needed to succeed on Amazon.

Time and Effort Savings: 

With its Chrome extension and streamlined research process, AMZScout helps sellers save time and effort. Sellers can quickly access essential metrics and data without navigating away from Amazon product pages.

Enhanced Product Selection: 

By analyzing market demand, competition, and profitability, sellers can make better product selection decisions. AMZScout’s product analysis and profit estimation features ensure sellers choose products with a higher chance of success.

Competitive Advantage: 

With competition analysis, sellers can identify opportunities to outperform competitors. Understanding competitor strategies and pricing allows sellers to adjust their own approach and stay ahead in the marketplace.

Expansion and Growth Opportunities: 

AMZScout’s insights into market trends and demand facilitate expansion into new product categories or geographic regions. Armed with data-driven insights, sellers can confidently explore growth opportunities on Amazon.

Customer reviews: 

Highlight AMZScout’s effectiveness in uncovering profitable product niches and estimating potential sales. Many sellers credit the tool with helping them make data-driven decisions, resulting in improved product selection and revenue growth.

review of customers on amazon analytics tools
pricing of amzscout for tools


AMZBase is a specialized Amazon brand analytics tool that caters to sellers looking to enhance their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, track keyword performance, and efficiently manage their inventory. With a focus on helping sellers achieve optimal results in advertising and visibility, AMZBase provides valuable insights and tools to refine their Amazon selling strategies.

amzbase amazon analytic tools

Key Features:

Keyword Tracking: 

AMZBase’s keyword tracking capability allows sellers to monitor the performance of their selected keywords over time. Sellers can track keyword rankings, search volume, and changes in keyword trends. Armed with this data, sellers can identify high-performing keywords and uncover opportunities to enhance their product listings’ search visibility and overall performance.

Search Ranking Improvement: 

With insights from AMZBase’s keyword tracking, sellers can identify keywords where their products are not ranking as well as desired. Armed with this information, sellers can make targeted optimizations to their listings, such as updating product titles, bullet points, and descriptions, to improve search rankings and increase the chances of appearing in relevant search results.

Competitor Analysis: 

AMZBase provides sellers with data on their competitors’ PPC campaigns and keyword strategies. By analyzing competitor data, sellers can gain a competitive edge by identifying successful tactics and adapting their own strategies accordingly. Understanding the landscape of competitors in the market allows sellers to refine their own campaigns and stay ahead in the race for visibility and sales.

Inventory Management: 

Effective inventory management is critical for maintaining steady sales and avoiding stockouts. AMZBase assists sellers in understanding inventory performance, sales velocity, and demand fluctuations. This information empowers sellers to optimize their inventory levels, ensuring they have the right amount of stock on hand to meet customer demand without overspending on storage fees.


Increased Advertising ROI: 

With AMZ Base’s PPC optimization feature, sellers can make data-driven decisions to maximize the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. By improving ad performance and reducing wasted ad spend, sellers can achieve a higher return on their investment in advertising, ultimately boosting their overall profitability.

Enhanced Search Visibility: 

The keyword tracking capability offered by AMZBase allows sellers to monitor and optimize their product listings for relevant and high-converting keywords. By improving search rankings and visibility, sellers can attract more organic traffic and potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions and sales.

Data-Driven Decision Making: 

AMZBase provides sellers with actionable insights based on real-time data, empowering them to make informed decisions about their advertising and listing optimization strategies. Sellers can use this data to continually improve their campaigns and stay ahead of market trends and competition.

Competitive Edge: 

By analyzing competitor data, sellers can identify successful tactics and opportunities to differentiate their products and brand. This competitive advantage enables sellers to position their products effectively in the market, attract more customers, and achieve sustained growth.

Efficient Inventory Management: 

AMZBase’s inventory management insights help sellers avoid overstocking or running out of inventory, which can lead to lost sales and revenue. By optimizing inventory levels, sellers can maintain smooth operations, fulfill customer orders promptly, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Customer reviews

Appreciate AMZ Base’s simplicity and effectiveness in managing campaigns. The tool’s ability to uncover valuable keywords and manage inventory efficiently has been praised by many sellers.


Pricing options and potential discounts can be found on the AMZBase website, making it accessible to sellers of all sizes.

Viral Launch

Viral Launch is a highly regarded Amazon brand analytics tool that stands out for its comprehensive support in product discovery, market intelligence, and listing optimization. Designed specifically for Amazon sellers, Viral Launch offers a suite of tools that equips sellers with invaluable data-driven insights to thrive on the Amazon marketplace.

viral launch amazon tools

Key Features:

Product Discovery: 

Viral Launch’s product discovery feature is a game-changer for Amazon sellers looking to identify profitable product niches. Through advanced algorithms and data analysis, sellers can uncover products with high demand and low competition. This feature enables sellers to pinpoint lucrative opportunities and launch products that resonate with the target audience.

Market Intelligence: 

Understanding competitor activities and market trends is crucial for making informed business decisions. Viral Launch’s market intelligence tools provide sellers with valuable insights into their competitors’ strategies, sales performance, and pricing. Armed with this knowledge, sellers can adjust their own tactics to gain a competitive edge and capitalize on emerging trends.

Listing Optimization: 

Optimizing product listings is essential for attracting and converting potential customers. Viral Launch offers tools to enhance listing performance by analyzing keywords, images, titles, and bullet points. By following Viral Launch’s recommendations, sellers can optimize their listings to maximize visibility, improve search rankings, and ultimately increase sales.

Keyword Research: 

Keywords play a pivotal role in driving organic traffic to product listings. Viral Launch’s keyword research feature empowers sellers to identify relevant and high-converting keywords. With this data, sellers can strategically incorporate keywords into their listings to reach a broader audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

Sales Analytics: 

Viral Launch’s sales analytics feature provides sellers with real-time data on sales performance and revenue trends. By tracking sales metrics, sellers can gain insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and assess the success of promotional campaigns. This data-driven approach enables sellers to make data-backed decisions for sustained growth.


Uncover Profitable Opportunities:

Viral Launch’s product discovery feature allows sellers to uncover potentially profitable product niches with high demand and low competition. This insight enables sellers to expand their product offerings strategically, minimizing risk while maximizing revenue potential.

Gain Competitive Edge:

By accessing market intelligence on competitors’ strategies, sellers can identify areas of improvement and differentiation. Understanding competitor activities empowers sellers to refine their own tactics and stay ahead in the fiercely competitive Amazon marketplace.

Optimize Listings for Better Conversions:

Viral Launch’s listing optimization tools enable sellers to create highly optimized product listings. By using relevant keywords, attractive images, and compelling content, sellers can enhance their listings’ visibility and conversion rates, leading to increased sales.

Make Informed Business Decisions:

With Viral Launch’s sales analytics, sellers can monitor their sales performance and identify trends in real-time. This data-driven approach empowers sellers to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and focus on strategies that drive results.

Streamlined Workflow:

Viral Launch’s user-friendly interface and automated tools streamline various aspects of selling on Amazon. Sellers can efficiently conduct product research, keyword analysis, and listing optimization within the platform, saving time and effort.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews praise Viral Launch’s ability to accelerate the product research process and improve listing optimization. Sellers appreciate the platform’s impact on driving traffic and increasing sales.

customer review for amazon tools of viral launch


viral launch tools pricing


FeedbackWhiz is a powerful Amazon brand analytics tool designed to provide sellers with comprehensive feedback management and customer communication solutions. As an all-in-one platform, FeedbackWhiz offers a range of features to streamline the process of managing feedback, reviews, and customer interactions, ultimately enhancing the seller’s reputation and customer experience on Amazon.

feedbackwhiz analytics tools amazon

Key Features:

Feedback Management:

FeedbackWhiz’s feedback management feature simplifies the process of handling customer feedback on Amazon. Sellers can view and respond to customer reviews and feedback directly from the platform, ensuring prompt and personalized responses to address any issues or concerns.

Review Monitoring:

The platform allows sellers to closely monitor and track product reviews, providing insights into customer sentiments and product performance. With this data, sellers can identify areas for improvement, acknowledge positive feedback, and address any negative reviews proactively.

Automated Email Campaigns:

FeedbackWhiz’s automation features enable sellers to create and schedule customized email campaigns. Sellers can send personalized messages to customers at different stages of the buyer’s journey, such as after purchase, delivery, or request for feedback, to enhance customer engagement and encourage reviews.

Order Metrics and Analytics:

FeedbackWhiz provides sellers with detailed order metrics and analytics. This data allows sellers to track various performance metrics, such as order defect rates, feedback ratings, and review conversion rates, helping them identify trends and areas for optimization.

Customer Communication:

The platform facilitates efficient customer communication, allowing sellers to engage with buyers and address queries or concerns promptly. Timely and helpful communication helps build positive relationships with customers and fosters loyalty to the brand.


Improved Seller Reputation:

By offering automated feedback management and prompt responses to customer reviews, FeedbackWhiz helps sellers maintain a positive reputation on Amazon. Positive feedback and prompt customer support contribute to higher seller ratings and improved trust among potential buyers.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

Efficient communication and personalized email campaigns enable sellers to engage with customers effectively. This leads to an enhanced overall customer experience, which, in turn, can result in repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Proactive Issue Resolution:

FeedbackWhiz’s review monitoring feature allows sellers to quickly identify and address any negative reviews or product issues. The ability to respond proactively helps mitigate potential damage to the seller’s reputation and resolve customer concerns satisfactorily.

Time and Effort Savings:

The platform’s automation features streamline feedback and review management, reducing the manual workload for sellers. Sellers can save time and effort that would otherwise be spent on tracking and responding to reviews, allowing them to focus on other critical aspects of their Amazon business.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

FeedbackWhiz’s order metrics and analytics provide sellers with valuable data insights. Sellers can analyze their performance metrics, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies and achieve better results.

Customer reviews:

Customer reviews comments FeedbackWhiz’s ability to save time and effort in managing customer feedback, which is crucial for maintaining a positive seller rating.

feedbackwhiz customer review


price description of feedbackwhiz

Helium 10

Helium 10 is a powerful and comprehensive Amazon brand analytics tool designed to support sellers in their journey to success in the Amazon marketplace. With a wide range of features, Helium 10 equips sellers with valuable data and insights to optimize their product listings, track keyword performance, and stay ahead of their competitors.

helium 10 tools for amazon

Key Features:

Keyword Tracking: 

Helium 10’s keyword tracking feature allows sellers to monitor the performance of their chosen keywords in real time. By identifying high-converting keywords and tracking their rankings, sellers can optimize their product listings to improve search visibility and attract more potential customers.

Product Analytics: 

With Helium 10’s product analytics tools, sellers gain valuable insights into the performance of their products. This includes metrics such as sales volume, revenue trends, and customer behavior. Sellers can use this data to refine their offerings, identify top-performing products, and make data-driven decisions to boost sales.

Market Intelligence: 

Helium 10 provides sellers with market intelligence to stay ahead of their competition. Through competitor analysis and trend tracking, sellers can identify emerging opportunities, spot gaps in the market, and adjust their strategies to capitalize on changing customer demands.

Listing Optimization: 

Helium 10’s suite of tools assists sellers in optimizing their product listings for maximum impact. From refining product titles and bullet points to improving images and descriptions, sellers can utilize Helium 10’s insights to create compelling and high-converting product listings.

Research and Validation:

Helium 10 offers robust research and validation tools to aid sellers in their product selection process. Sellers can find potential winning product ideas, validate their viability, and make informed decisions about which products to invest in.


Improved Search Visibility: 

By effectively tracking keywords and optimizing product listings, sellers can improve their search rankings and visibility on Amazon. Higher visibility leads to increased traffic, which translates into higher chances of conversions and sales.

Enhanced Product Performance: 

Helium 10’s product analytics tools allow sellers to identify top-performing products and assess the success of marketing strategies. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, sellers can focus their efforts on products with the highest potential for success.

Competitive Edge: 

Market intelligence provided by Helium 10 empowers sellers to stay ahead of their competitors. With insights into competitor activities and market trends, sellers can adapt their pricing, marketing, and product strategies to maintain a competitive edge.

Time and Cost Savings: 

Helium 10 streamlines various aspects of selling on Amazon, saving sellers valuable time and effort. With automated tools and comprehensive data at their fingertips, sellers can focus on growing their business and building customer relationships.

Informed Decision Making: 

Helium 10 equips sellers with data-driven insights to make informed decisions about product selection, pricing, and marketing strategies. By relying on data rather than guesswork, sellers can minimize risks and maximize the potential for success.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews speak highly of Helium 10’s user-friendly interface and accurate data insights. Many sellers credit the tool with significant improvements in keyword rankings and sales.

customer review on helium 10


helium 10 amazon tools pricing

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is a reliable and powerful Amazon brand analytics tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to assist sellers in their product research, sales analytics, and listing optimization efforts. With Jungle Scout, Amazon sellers gain access to valuable insights that enable them to make data-driven decisions and maximize their success on the platform.

amazon analytics tools jungle scout

Key Features:

Product Research: 

Jungle Scout’s product research feature is a standout capability, allowing sellers to uncover high-demand products with low competition. By analyzing historical data, search trends, and customer behavior, sellers can identify profitable niches and products to enter, giving them a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Sales Analytics: 

The sales analytics tool in Jungle Scout provides sellers with essential data on their sales performance, revenue trends, and customer behavior. This information allows sellers to track their progress and make informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and inventory management.

Competitor Analysis: 

Jungle Scout’s competitor analysis feature enables sellers to monitor their competitors’ activities, such as pricing strategies, promotional efforts, and customer reviews. By understanding their competition, sellers can adjust their own strategies to stay ahead and capitalize on market opportunities.

Listing Optimization: 

Jungle Scout assists sellers in optimizing their product listings for maximum visibility and conversions. The tool offers insights into relevant keywords, product titles, bullet points, and images to improve listing quality and attract more potential customers.

Historical Data and Trend Analysis: 

Jungle Scout provides access to historical data and trend analysis, helping sellers understand market dynamics and anticipate changes. Sellers can use this information to plan for seasonal fluctuations, adjust inventory levels, and make strategic decisions that align with market trends.


Informed Decision Making: 

With Jungle Scout’s comprehensive data and insights, sellers can make well-informed decisions about product selection, pricing, and marketing strategies. By relying on data rather than guesswork, sellers can increase their chances of success on Amazon.

Competitive Edge: 

The competitor analysis feature gives sellers a competitive edge by enabling them to stay ahead of their rivals. By tracking competitors’ activities and understanding market trends, sellers can adjust their strategies to capture more market share.

Profitable Product Selection: 

Jungle Scout’s product research feature assists sellers in identifying high-demand products with low competition. This knowledge allows sellers to focus on profitable niches and products that have a higher likelihood of success on Amazon.

Improved Sales Performance: 

By analyzing sales data and customer behavior, sellers can optimize their listings and pricing to improve conversions and boost overall sales performance. Jungle Scout’s sales analytics tool provides the necessary insights for sellers to fine-tune their strategies for better results.

Time and Resource Savings: 

Jungle Scout streamlines various aspects of the selling process, saving sellers time and effort. Instead of manually researching products and market trends, sellers can rely on Jungle Scout’s data-driven insights to make faster and more efficient decisions.

Customer reviews:

Customer reviews commend Jungle Scout’s intuitive interface and actionable insights. Many sellers have reported a substantial boost in sales after using Jungle Scout to identify and optimize their product offerings.

customer review on jungle scout


amazon tools pricing


Perpetua is a powerful and all-encompassing Amazon brand analytics tool designed to empower sellers with essential data-driven insights. From product research and keyword analysis to sales estimation and competitor insights, Perpetua equips sellers with the necessary tools to excel in the Amazon marketplace.

perpetua amazon brand analytics tools

Key Features:

Product Research: 

Perpetua’s product research feature enables sellers to identify profitable product niches with high demand and low competition. By analyzing historical data and market trends, sellers can discover lucrative opportunities and make well-informed decisions about their product offerings.

Keyword Analysis: 

Perpetua keyword analysis feature is crucial for optimizing product listings and improving search visibility. Sellers can identify relevant and high-converting keywords to incorporate into their listings, driving more organic traffic and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Sales Estimation: 

Perpetua offers sales estimation tools that allow sellers to project their potential revenue based on historical data and current market trends. This feature provides valuable insights for setting sales targets and developing revenue forecasts, helping sellers plan their business strategies effectively.

Competitor Insights: 

Understanding competitor activities is essential for staying ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace. Perpetua provides valuable competitor insights, including competitor keyword rankings and pricing strategies, enabling sellers to adjust their own tactics and maintain a competitive edge.

Performance Dashboard: 

Perpetua offers a comprehensive performance dashboard that consolidates critical data, such as sales, profits, and advertising metrics. This dashboard provides sellers with a clear overview of their business performance, allowing them to quickly assess the effectiveness of their strategies and identify areas for improvement.


Data-Driven Decision Making: 

Perpetua’s accurate and real-time data provides sellers with actionable insights for making data-driven decisions. From product selection to marketing strategies, sellers can leverage Perpetua data to optimize their operations and boost their sales performance.

Improved Listing Optimization: 

By using Perpetua keyword analysis, sellers can optimize their product listings with the most relevant and high-performing keywords. This optimization enhances the visibility of their products in Amazon’s search results, driving more organic traffic and increasing the chances of conversions.

Revenue Forecasting: 

The sales estimation tools in Perpetua help sellers set realistic revenue targets and plan their inventory and marketing strategies accordingly. This proactive approach enables sellers to meet demand efficiently and maximize their revenue potential.

Competitive Edge: 

With access to competitor insights, sellers can keep a close eye on their competitors’ activities, pricing strategies, and keyword rankings. Armed with this knowledge, sellers can make informed decisions to stay competitive and differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Streamlined Performance Monitoring: 

Perpetua performance dashboard consolidates critical data into a single, easy-to-navigate interface. This streamlines the process of monitoring sales, profits, and advertising performance, allowing sellers to stay on top of their business metrics and identify areas for improvement promptly.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews highlight Perpetua’s effectiveness in product research and keyword optimization. The tool’s ability to estimate potential sales helps sellers make informed decisions about product selection and marketing strategies.

amazon tools perpetua review


perpetuapricing for amazon tools

PPC Entourage

PPC Entourage is a powerful and versatile Amazon brand analytics tool designed to provide sellers with a comprehensive understanding of market trends, product performance, and competitor activities. With a focus on product research and sales analytics, PPC Entourage equips sellers with valuable insights to optimize their strategies and boost their Amazon business.

PPC Entourage tools for amazon sellers

Key Features:

Product Research: 

PPC Entourage’s product research feature empowers sellers to discover potentially profitable product niches. By analyzing market trends, search volumes, and competitor data, sellers can identify high-demand products with low competition, enabling them to make informed decisions about product selection.

Sales Analytics: 

PPC Entourage’s sales analytics tools offer valuable insights into revenue trends and customer behavior. Sellers can track their sales performance over time, identify peak sales periods, and understand the factors that drive customer purchases.

Competitor Analysis: 

Understanding competitor activities is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive Amazon marketplace. PPC Entourage’s competitor analysis feature allows sellers to monitor their competitors’ pricing strategies, promotions, and product performance. This data empowers sellers to adjust their own tactics and identify opportunities for improvement.

Advertising Optimization: 

PPC Entourage provides valuable data and analytics for optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns. Sellers can analyze the performance of their advertising campaigns, identify high-performing keywords, and adjust their ad spend to achieve better ROI and increased visibility.

Inventory Management: 

Efficiently managing inventory is essential to avoid stockouts and excess inventory, both of which can impact sales and profitability. PPC Entourage’s sales analytics and demand forecasting features help sellers optimize their inventory levels, ensuring they maintain adequate stock levels to meet customer demand.


Data-Driven Decision Making: 

PPC Entourage provides sellers with accurate and real-time data, enabling them to make data-driven decisions. By understanding market trends, customer behavior, and competitor activities, sellers can tailor their strategies for maximum impact and increased sales.

Time and Cost Savings: 

With its powerful automation features, PPC Entourage streamlines various aspects of Amazon selling, saving sellers time and effort. The platform’s automated data analysis and reporting capabilities enable sellers to focus on core business activities and growth.

Improved Sales Performance: 

By leveraging PPC Entourage’s product research and sales analytics features, sellers can identify profitable products and optimize their listings and advertising campaigns. This optimization can lead to increased sales and revenue generation.

Enhanced Competitor Intelligence: 

PPC Entourage’s competitor analysis feature provides sellers with valuable insights into their competitors’ strategies. Armed with this knowledge, sellers can adjust their own tactics, pricing, and promotional efforts to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Better Advertising ROI: 

PPC Entourage’s advertising optimization tools help sellers refine their Amazon PPC campaigns for improved performance. By identifying high-converting keywords and optimizing ad spend, sellers can achieve better ROI and increase their visibility on the platform.

Customer review

PPC Entourage sellers review


In the fiercely competitive world of Amazon selling, leveraging data-driven insights is essential for success. The top ten Amazon brand analytics tools presented in this article offer valuable solutions for sellers looking to optimize their strategies, boost sales, and outperform competitors.

Each tool provides unique features, benefits, and pricing options to cater to sellers of varying scales and experience levels. By carefully considering the specific needs of their businesses, sellers can choose the right analytics tool to gain a competitive edge, make informed decisions, and achieve long-term success in the Amazon marketplace. Embracing the power of analytics, sellers can confidently navigate the dynamic e-commerce landscape and drive their businesses to new heights.

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