Amazon’s marketplace has become a go-to destination for finding and offering many products. It’s no secret that Amazon reviews play a pivotal role in shaping purchasing decisions, as they provide valuable insights into the quality, authenticity, and satisfaction levels associated with a product or seller.

As an Amazon seller or business, the significance of these reviews cannot be overstated. Positive reviews can drive increased sales, enhanced brand reputation, and overall success in the competitive world of e-commerce. However, the world of Amazon reviews can be complex, demanding, and time-consuming, as managing and optimizing reviews requires dedicated effort and the right tools.

This is where Amazon review software tools come into play. These tools are designed to simplify the process of monitoring, managing, and maximizing your Amazon product reviews. Amazon review software can be invaluable whether you are a seasoned seller or just starting your e-commerce journey.

Quick Guide

  1. What is an Amazon Review Tool?
  2. How to Choose the Best Amazon Product Review Software
  3. What do Amazon Feedback Tools Do?
  4. Who Should Use Amazon Review Tools?
  5. Are There Amazon Tools to Find Negative Reviewers?
  6. Top 8 Amazon Review Software Tool Review
  7. Conclusion

What is an Amazon Review Tool?

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, customer feedback reigns supreme. For sellers on Amazon, customer reviews can either be the wind beneath their wings or a storm they must weather. With millions of products competing for attention on the platform, managing and optimizing Amazon product reviews is no small feat. This is where Amazon review software tools step in to simplify the process and empower sellers with the ability to harness the power of customer feedback.

Amazon review software tools are specialized software solutions designed to assist Amazon sellers in effectively managing, monitoring, and optimizing their product reviews on the Amazon platform.

These tools offer a comprehensive suite of features and functionalities that simplify the often complex and time-consuming task of handling customer reviews.

Highlighting Their Role:

  1. Review Monitoring: Amazon review tools allow sellers to closely monitor customer reviews in real-time. This means sellers can be alerted as soon as a review is posted, allowing for timely responses to positive and negative feedback.
  2. Feedback Analysis: These tools offer robust analytics capabilities that allow sellers to gain valuable insights from reviews. They can identify common customer feedback themes, trends, and sentiments, helping them make data-driven decisions to improve their products or services.
  3. Review Management: Amazon review software tools provide a centralized platform for managing reviews. Sellers can respond to reviews, request removal of inappropriate content, and engage with customers, all within the tool’s user-friendly interface.
  4. Review Generation: Many of these tools offer features for soliciting product reviews and seller feedback. They can automate requesting reviews from satisfied customers, helping sellers accumulate more positive reviews.
  5. Competitor Analysis: Some Amazon review software tools also allow sellers to monitor their competitors by analyzing their reviews and identifying areas where they can gain a competitive edge.
  6. Compliance and Policy Adherence: They assist sellers in adhering to Amazon’s policies and guidelines by ensuring that their feedback requests and responses align with the platform’s terms of service.
  7. Time-Saving: By automating various review-related tasks and offering convenient dashboards, these tools save sellers time and effort, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their Amazon business.

How to Choose the Best Amazon Product Review Software

Selecting the right Amazon product review software is crucial for any seller looking to manage their reputation and boost sales on the platform. With many options available, navigating the selection process thoughtfully is essential. Here, we’ll discuss the key factors to consider when choosing the best Amazon review software, emphasizing aligning the software with your unique business needs.

Features and Functionalities:

Before anything else, evaluate the features and functionalities offered by the software. Does it provide the tools to monitor, manage, and optimize your reviews effectively? Look for features like real-time review monitoring, automated feedback request campaigns, sentiment analysis, and competitor analysis.


The software should be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that allows you to navigate its features effortlessly. A steep learning curve can waste time and hinder your ability to maximize the software’s benefits.


Consider the level of customization the software offers. Your Amazon business is unique, and the software should allow you to tailor it to your specific needs. Look for options to create customized email templates for feedback requests, automated review tracking, and reporting.


Ensure that the software seamlessly integrates with your existing tools and systems. Compatibility with your Amazon Seller Central account and any other software you use, such as inventory management or customer relationship management systems, is vital for a smooth workflow.


Understand the pricing model of the software. Some tools charge a one-time fee, while others have monthly or annual subscription plans. Consider your budget and choose a software that aligns with it. Remember that more expensive software might offer advanced features worth the investment.

Customer Support:

Good customer support is invaluable. Look for software providers that offer reliable customer support, such as email, phone, or chat support. You’ll want a responsive team to assist you promptly when issues arise.

Reputation and Reviews:

Just as you scrutinize product reviews on Amazon, investigate the reputation of the review software provider. Read user reviews and seek recommendations from fellow Amazon sellers or e-commerce communities. This can provide insight into the software’s performance and reliability.

Trial Period:

Opt for software that offers a free trial period. This allows you to test the tool’s features and functionality before committing. It’s a risk-free way to ensure that the software meets your needs.

Compliance with Amazon Policies:

Ensure that the software complies with Amazon’s policies regarding communication with buyers and solicitation of reviews. Using a tool that violates Amazon’s terms of service can lead to account suspension.


Consider the scalability of the software. As your Amazon business grows, you may need more advanced features and capabilities. Ensure the software can accommodate your growth without needing frequent changes or replacements.

Data Security:

With sensitive customer data involved, prioritize data security. Use a VPN chrome extension to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your data from hackers. Also, ensure the software provider adheres to industry-standard security practices and safeguards your information.

What do Amazon Feedback Tools Do?

Amazon feedback tools are indispensable resources for Amazon sellers seeking to maintain a positive reputation, foster strong customer relationships, and enhance their sales performance. These tools offer various functionalities and features tailored to monitoring and managing customer feedback effectively. Here, we’ll explore what Amazon feedback tools can do for your business:

Real-time Feedback Monitoring:

Amazon feedback tools continuously monitor your seller feedback and product reviews. They provide real-time alerts and notifications, ensuring you’re aware of any new feedback as soon as it’s posted. This timely awareness enables you to respond promptly to positive and negative reviews.

Feedback and Review Management:

These tools centralize the management of feedback and reviews, allowing you to view, sort, and filter customer feedback and reviews from a single dashboard. This streamlines addressing customer concerns and tracking your performance over time.

Automated Feedback Requests:

Amazon feedback tools offer features to automate feedback request campaigns. Sellers can set up customized email templates for feedback requests sent to buyers post-purchase. This increases the likelihood of receiving positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Sentiment Analysis:

Many feedback tools incorporate sentiment analysis capabilities. They can gauge the sentiment expressed in reviews and feedback, helping you identify trends, understand customer satisfaction, and address issues proactively.

Competitor Analysis:

Some feedback tools go beyond your feedback and offer the ability to monitor the feedback and reviews of your competitors. This helps you gain insights into their performance and potentially uncover areas where you can outshine them.

Negative Review Management:

When you receive negative reviews, Amazon feedback tools assist in managing and addressing them effectively. You can quickly respond to dissatisfied customers, aiming to resolve their issues and potentially have negative feedback revised or removed.

Reporting and Analytics:

These tools provide comprehensive reporting and analytics features. You can track your performance, identify patterns and trends in feedback, and make data-driven decisions to improve your products or services.

Compliance with Amazon Policies:

Amazon has specific policies regarding communication with buyers and solicitation of reviews. Amazon feedback tools are designed to ensure that your feedback requests and responses adhere to these policies, reducing the risk of account suspension.

Time Efficiency:

These tools save you time and effort by automating feedback requests and providing a centralized dashboard for feedback management. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your Amazon business.

Seller Feedback and Product Review Separation:

These tools often differentiate between seller feedback and product reviews, making it easier to manage and respond to each type of feedback appropriately.

Multilingual Support:

For international sellers, some feedback tools support multiple languages, allowing you to send feedback requests and respond to reviews in the language your customers prefer.

Who Should Use Amazon Review Tools?

Amazon review software tools are versatile resources that cater to a diverse range of users in the Amazon marketplace. The target audience for these tools includes sellers, businesses, and individuals looking to leverage customer reviews for improved product and service quality, enhanced reputation, and increased sales. Let’s explore how each of these groups can benefit from Amazon review software:

1. Sellers:

  • Amazon Sellers: Amazon review tools are essential for individuals and businesses operating as Amazon sellers. These tools help them monitor, manage, and optimize product reviews efficiently. Sellers can use these tools to automate review tracking, request feedback, and promptly address customer concerns.
  • Third-Party Merchants: Those who use Amazon as a platform to sell their products or services can significantly benefit from review software. These tools assist in improving their seller ratings and feedback, which, in turn, can boost sales and customer trust.

2. Businesses:

  • E-commerce Businesses: Beyond Amazon sellers, e-commerce businesses that sell on multiple platforms can use review software to maintain a positive reputation. This is particularly important for businesses that value customer feedback and are committed to providing top-notch service.
  • Brand Owners: Businesses that own their brands and distribute products through Amazon can utilize these tools to safeguard their brand reputation. They can monitor how customers perceive their products and address any issues promptly.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs relying on e-commerce as a significant sales channel can benefit from these tools to efficiently manage reviews, build customer trust, and compete effectively on the Amazon platform.

3. Individuals:

  • Amazon Product Reviewers: Individuals who regularly review products on Amazon can also benefit from these tools. They can use review software to track and manage their reviews, receive notifications when they receive comments or likes and better understand how their reviews impact product rankings and seller ratings.
  • Consumers: Even regular Amazon shoppers can indirectly benefit from review software. When sellers and businesses use these tools to enhance the quality of their products and services, it leads to an improved consumer shopping experience. Positive reviews generated through these tools reflect positively on the shopping experience and the products they buy.

Are There Amazon Tools to Find Negative Reviewers?

Negative reviews on Amazon can significantly impact a seller’s reputation and sales. Identifying negative reviewers and addressing their concerns is essential for maintaining a positive image on the platform. While Amazon does not provide tools to directly find negative reviewers, there are methods and Amazon review software tools that can help sellers address and manage negative reviews effectively.

Significance of Identifying Negative Reviewers:

  1. Opportunity for Resolution: Negative reviews allow sellers to address customer concerns, resolve issues, and potentially turn dissatisfied customers into satisfied ones. Identifying the reviewers allows for direct communication to rectify problems.
  2. Preventing Escalation: Unresolved negative reviews can escalate into more significant issues, potentially leading to account suspensions or diminished seller ratings. Finding and addressing negative reviewers promptly can mitigate such risks.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Feedback from negative reviews can be invaluable for product or service improvement. Identifying and addressing these reviewers’ concerns can enhance product quality and customer satisfaction.

Amazon Review Tools for Finding and Addressing Negative Reviews:

While there are no specific Amazon tools for identifying negative reviewers, Amazon review software can help manage and address negative reviews effectively. Here are some features and capabilities offered by these tools:

  1. Review Tracking: Amazon review software allows sellers to track reviews as they are posted. This includes both positive and negative reviews. Being alerted to negative reviews as they appear enables sellers to respond promptly.
  2. Alerts and Notifications: Many review tools provide alert and notification features that immediately inform sellers when a negative review is posted. This real-time awareness is critical for timely action.
  3. Response Automation: Some review software tools can automate responses to reviews. While not every negative review warrants a response, this feature can save time and ensure that crucial negative reviews receive attention.
  4. Filtering and Sorting: These tools often allow you to filter and sort reviews based on various criteria, including star rating. This makes it easier to identify and address negative reviews efficiently.
  5. Sentiment Analysis: Many review software tools incorporate sentiment analysis to help sellers understand the emotional tone of reviews. This insight can guide responses to negative reviews, ensuring they are empathetic and solution-oriented.
  6. Competitor Analysis: Some review tools go beyond your reviews and allow you to monitor your competitors’ reviews. You can gain a competitive edge by analyzing your competitors’ negative reviews.
  7. Email Templates: Review software often allows creation and using custom email templates for responding to reviews. This ensures that your responses are professional and consistent.

Top 8 Amazon Review Software Tool Review


feedback express amazon review

FeedbackExpress is a dynamic and customer-centric feedback management platform designed to help online sellers on various e-commerce platforms, including Amazon and eBay, enhance their reputation and customer satisfaction.

This user-friendly tool automates the feedback collection process, allowing sellers to maintain a positive online presence, increase their seller ratings, and ultimately, drive sales growth.

With its intuitive features and real-time notifications, FeedbackExpress empowers e-commerce businesses to efficiently manage and respond to customer feedback, contributing to their success in the competitive online marketplace


  1. User-Friendly Interface: FeedbackExpress boasts an incredibly user-friendly interface that allows even novice Amazon sellers to easily navigate the tool. It offers a straightforward setup process, making it accessible for sellers at all experience levels.
  2. Real-Time Review Monitoring: A key strength of FeedbackExpress is its real-time review monitoring feature. Sellers receive instant notifications when new reviews are posted. This enables them to stay on top of their feedback and respond promptly, whether a positive review or a concerning negative one.
  3. Automated Feedback Requests: The tool automates sending feedback requests to customers who have recently made a purchase. Sellers can customize these feedback request templates, increasing the chances of receiving positive feedback.
  4. Sentiment Analysis: FeedbackExpress includes sentiment analysis, helping sellers gauge the emotional tone of customer feedback. This valuable insight enables sellers to craft more empathetic and effective responses to negative reviews.
  5. Competitor Analysis: The tool allows sellers to monitor their competitors’ reviews. By analyzing the performance and feedback of competitors, sellers can identify opportunities to improve their offerings and customer service.

Unique Features:

  1. Feedback Review and Removal: FeedbackExpress allows filtering and sorting feedback, making it easier to identify negative reviews. The tool offers a feedback review and removal feature that helps sellers request the removal of feedback that violates Amazon’s policies.
  2. Intelligent Blacklisting: The tool’s intelligent blacklisting feature allows sellers to exclude specific ASINs or customers from receiving feedback requests. This ensures that feedback requests are only sent to relevant customers, avoiding any potential spam.
  3. Multilingual Support: For international Amazon sellers, FeedbackExpress offers multilingual support, enabling sellers to send feedback requests in the preferred language of their customers.
  4. Performance Analytics: The tool provides comprehensive performance analytics, allowing sellers to track their feedback and review history over time. This data helps sellers make informed decisions and spot trends in customer feedback.
  5. Customer Support: FeedbackExpress is known for its responsive customer support. Sellers can contact their support team through email or chat for any issues or questions.

FeedbackExpress is a robust Amazon review software tool emphasizing automating feedback management and maintaining a positive seller reputation. Its user-friendly interface, real-time monitoring, and unique features like feedback review and removal set it apart. With its diverse functionalities and competitive pricing, FeedbackExpress is a valuable asset for Amazon sellers looking to enhance their seller ratings and foster customer satisfaction.


amazon review sfoftware feedback five

FeedbackFive is a powerful suite of Amazon review software tools designed to empower sellers with comprehensive feedback management solutions. This platform offers you a wide range of features to enhance your Amazon selling experience, from automating feedback requests to real-time monitoring and sentiment analysis. With FeedbackFive, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the world of e-commerce by harnessing the strength of data-driven insights and unique features tailored to your needs.

Standout Characteristics

  1. Email Personalization: FeedbackFive emphasizes the personalization of feedback request emails. Sellers can customize email templates to match their branding and establish a more personal connection with customers.
  2. Negative Feedback Alerts: Besides notifications for new reviews, FeedbackFive offers specialized negative feedback alerts. Sellers are promptly informed when a negative review is posted, allowing them to address concerns proactively.
  3. Blacklisting: The tool includes a blacklisting feature that allows sellers to exclude certain ASINs or customers from receiving feedback requests. This helps ensure that feedback requests are targeted and relevant, reducing the risk of spamming customers.
  4. ASIN-Level Targeting: FeedbackFive enables sellers to target feedback requests at the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) level. This level of granularity allows sellers to tailor feedback requests to specific products or product groups.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: The tool provides extensive analytics and reporting features, allowing sellers to track their feedback history and identify patterns and trends. This data-driven approach can assist sellers in making informed decisions to improve their products or services.
  6. Customer Support: FeedbackFive offers responsive customer support, ensuring sellers can contact for assistance or guidance when needed.

FeedbackFive’s focus on automated feedback request campaigns and personalized communication sets it apart as a valuable tool for Amazon sellers. Its intuitive interface, real-time monitoring, and unique features, such as negative feedback alerts and ASIN-level targeting, make it an excellent choice for those seeking to improve their seller ratings and customer relationships. Whether you are a seasoned Amazon seller or just starting, FeedbackFive offers a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing feedback effectively.

BQool Feedback Central

bqool amazon tool for reviews

BQool Feedback Central is a leading Amazon review software tool designed to empower Amazon sellers with powerful features for effective feedback management. With this innovative software, sellers can streamline their efforts to monitor and respond to customer feedback while gaining insights into their market competition. BQool Feedback Central offers a comprehensive solution to enhance the seller’s reputation, boost customer satisfaction, and drive growth in the world of e-commerce on Amazon.

BQool Feedback Central Characteristics 

  1. Keyword-Based Filters: Feedback Central offers keyword-based filters for feedback and reviews. Sellers can set up filters to sort and categorize feedback based on specific keywords, making identifying and addressing issues quickly easier.
  2. Competitor Analysis: The tool allows sellers to track and analyze their competitors by monitoring their product reviews. By understanding competitors’ performance, sellers can identify areas where they can gain a competitive edge.
  3. Feedback Statistics: BQool Feedback Central provides comprehensive feedback statistics and analytics, allowing sellers to track their feedback history over time. This data-driven approach helps sellers spot trends and make informed decisions to improve their products or services.
  4. Blacklisting Feature: The tool includes a blacklisting feature that allows sellers to exclude certain ASINs or customers from receiving feedback requests. This feature helps ensure that feedback requests are highly targeted and relevant.
  5. Performance Metrics: Feedback Central offers performance metrics that enable sellers to assess the impact of feedback and reviews on their Amazon store’s performance. This data assists in measuring the effectiveness of feedback management strategies.
  6. Customer Support: BQool provides responsive customer support, ensuring sellers can seek assistance or guidance when facing issues or questions.


review software for amazon sellers

AMZFinder is a powerful suite of Amazon review software tools designed to streamline and enhance sellers’ management of customer reviews on the Amazon platform. With its user-friendly interface and unique features, AMZFinder empowers e-commerce entrepreneurs and businesses to efficiently monitor, respond to, and improve their product reviews, ultimately leading to greater success in the world of Amazon selling.

Innovative highlights

  1. Multilingual Support: AMZFinder supports multiple languages, allowing sellers to send feedback requests in the preferred language of their customers. This feature is valuable for international Amazon sellers seeking to engage a global customer base.
  2. Email Personalization: The tool strongly emphasizes the personalization of feedback request emails. Sellers can customize email templates to align with their branding and establish a more personal connection with customers.
  3. Feedback Review and Removal: AMZFinder offers a feedback review and removal feature that enables sellers to request the removal of feedback that violates Amazon’s policies. This helps maintain a high-quality feedback profile and seller rating.
  4. Performance Analytics: The tool provides comprehensive performance analytics, enabling sellers to track their feedback and review history over time. This data-driven approach assists sellers in making informed decisions to improve their products or services.
  5. Blacklisting Feature: AMZFinder includes a blacklisting feature that allows sellers to exclude specific ASINs or customers from receiving feedback requests. This ensures that feedback requests are targeted and relevant, reducing the risk of spamming customers.
  6. Customer Support: AMZFinder offers responsive customer support to assist sellers with any issues, questions, or guidance they may need.

AMZFinder’s focus on real-time monitoring, automated feedback campaigns, and multilingual support make it a valuable tool for Amazon sellers seeking to enhance their seller ratings and customer relationships. Its unique features, including feedback review and removal and multilingual support, set it apart as a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing feedback effectively. Whether you are a seasoned Amazon seller or just starting, AMZFinder offers the tools to maintain a positive reputation and foster strong customer relationships.


sagemailer feedback tools for amazon sellers

SageMailer, an innovative suite of Amazon review software tools, offers sellers a powerful solution for enhancing their performance and reputation on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. With many features and capabilities, SageMailer empowers Amazon sellers to streamline their review management, boost their visibility, and build stronger customer relationships. 

Unique Features of SageMailer:

  1. Negative Review Alerts: SageMailer’s feature for setting up alerts for negative reviews is a game-changer. It empowers you to swiftly identify and address issues before they escalate, preserving your seller’s reputation.
  2. Advanced Scheduling: SageMailer’s advanced scheduling options for feedback and review requests allow you to optimize your requests for maximum customer engagement.
  3. AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: SageMailer leverages AI-powered sentiment analysis to detect positive and negative sentiments in reviews, providing insights into your product’s strengths and areas that require improvement.
  4. Global Marketplace Support: SageMailer’s compatibility with multiple Amazon marketplaces makes it an excellent choice for international sellers. It ensures that your reputation remains consistent across diverse markets.

Feedback Whiz

feedback management amazon tool

FeedbackWhiz is a comprehensive suite of Amazon review software tools designed to empower sellers on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. With a rich set of features and functionalities, FeedbackWhiz is your trusted companion in managing and optimizing your Amazon business.

Special Features of Feedback Whiz:

  1. Review Aggregation: Feedback Whiz aggregates reviews and feedback from multiple Amazon marketplaces into a single dashboard. This feature is invaluable for international sellers who operate in various markets.
  2. Negative Review Alerts: Sellers can set up negative review alerts, allowing them to quickly identify and address issues, safeguarding their seller reputation.
  3. Feedback Removal Assistance: Feedback Whiz assists in requesting the removal of feedback that breaches Amazon’s policies, ensuring a clean and reliable feedback profile.
  4. Product Review and Listing Monitoring: It offers the unique feature of monitoring product reviews and listings. This lets sellers stay updated on their product performance and make necessary adjustments.

Feedback Genius

feedback genius amazon review software

Feedback Genius is a cutting-edge Amazon review software tool that empowers sellers to take control of their customer feedback and product reviews.

Whether you’re a seasoned seller or just starting your e-commerce journey, Feedback Genius is your go-to companion for enhancing your reputation and customer engagement on the world’s largest online marketplace.

Standout features of Feedback Genius:

  1. Feedback Removal Assistance: Feedback Genius assists sellers in requesting the removal of feedback that violates Amazon’s policies, helping maintain a clean feedback profile.
  2. Advanced Scheduling: Sellers can create custom scheduling for feedback and review requests, ensuring optimal timing for customer responses.
  3. Marketplace Compatibility: Feedback Genius is compatible with various Amazon marketplaces, making it suitable for international sellers operating on diverse platforms.
  4. AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis: The software leverages AI-driven sentiment analysis to identify positive and negative sentiments in reviews, offering insights into product strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Blacklisting Competitors: Sellers can blacklist competitors, ensuring that feedback requests are not sent to their email addresses, aiding in compliance with Amazon’s policies.


Amazon review software tools play a pivotal role in the success of Amazon sellers by helping them efficiently manage and optimize their customer feedback and reviews. These tools provide a range of features and capabilities to streamline the feedback process and enhance seller ratings.

In our review of five prominent Amazon review software tools, each tool offers its unique strengths and features, catering to the diverse needs of sellers.

Choosing the right Amazon review software tool depends on your specific business needs, the scale of your operations, and your experience level. These tools empower Amazon sellers to build and maintain a positive reputation, address customer concerns, and ultimately drive success in the competitive world of e-commerce on Amazon. Selecting the tool that aligns best with your goals and preferences will undoubtedly contribute to your effectiveness as an Amazon seller.

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