What we’ll cover

  1. Overview of Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)
  2. Why Use AMS for Books
  3. Intro to AMS Ad Types

Amazon Marketing Service (AMS) Overview

Amazon Marketing Services is ___________.

A. A self-service advertising program

B. A pay-per-click advertising program

C. An advertising program with unique benefits for book advertisers

Correct Answer: D. All of the Above

What is Amazon Marketing Services?

Amazon Marketing Services provides online advertising products to promote and sell products on Amazon.com.

AMS ads help vendors compete more effectively for shoppers’ attention in highly competitive, high-traffic areas on Amazon.com.

  • Access to over 300mm active customer accounts worldwide*
  • Low cost of entry – $1 per day
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Features and benefits exclusively tailored for book advertisers

Why use AMS for books?

As a book advertiser, I can use AMS to ___________.

A. Generate sales of new releases, even before they publish

B. Increase interest in my older titles

C. Showcase series, collections or featured authors in one campaign

Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Amazon Marketing Services offers a unique opportunity for promoting books on Amazon.com

  • Compete for title visibility amongst best-selling titles and authors
  • Reach your niche audience and expand your reader base
  • Redirect reader attention from related titles to your own
  • Promote new releases to drive sales

AMS Ad Solution For Books

There are four ad types available for book vendors, bucketed under the search and display channels.

Ad types for all Use Cases

Types of Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) Ads

I am a new advertiser. I should begin my AMS journey with _______________.

Correct Answer: A.Sponsored Products

B. Headline Search Ads

C. Product Display Ads

D. Lockscreen Ads

Sponsored Products

Boost search visibility with keyword targeted campaigns

  • Readers see ads based on the search terms they use to find books
  • Can be used to promote new releases or backlist titles
  • Can run continuously to remain top-of-mind for interested readers over time
  • Increasing search visibility for a newer author
  • Promoting backlist titles for a popular author or genre
  • Relating your titles to large-scale authors or series in your genre

Sponsored Products: Placements

Ads serve at the top and bottom of search results and on detail pages

  • Delivers relevant ads targeted to customer searches
  • Desktop and Mobile (web and in-app)
  • Sends shoppers from ads directly to title’s detail page

Sponsored Products: Targeting

Automatic Targeting

  • Amazon automatically targets your ad by generating keywords related to the title you want to advertise.

Manual Targeting

  • Choose from a list of suggested keywords based on your title and add your own keywords you think are relevant to the audience you want to reach

Sponsored Products: Custom Text

Sponsored Products placement use custom text

  • A well-written blurb entices the reader by giving them more insight into the content of your book.
  • Customers landing on your detail page are more engaged and more likely to convert.
  • Include enticing plot themes, highlight favorite returning characters, or even use a cliffhanger to get readers to click

Headline Search Ads

Build brand recognition and series visibility with keyword targeted campaigns

  • Showcase series, collections, or author catalogs
  • Readers see ads based on the search terms they use to find books
  • Generate high impact visibility during related events
  • Enhance your brand presence through curation of your catalog
  • Publishing a highly anticipated next-in-series
  • Highlighting your brand’s deep catalog of space-age science fiction
  • Promoting a new release by an established author.

Headline Search Ads: Placements

  • Ads serve above search results, highlighting multiple titles
  • Delivers relevant ads targeted to customer searches
  • Desktop and Mobile (web and in-app)
  • Sends shoppers from ads directly to the curated page, or build an Amazon Store

Headline Search Ads: Targeting

Headline Search ads are Targeted by keyword

Manual Targeting

  • Choose from a list of suggested keywords based on your titles and add your own keywords you think are relevant to the audience you want to reach

Lockscreen Ads: Placements

Gain visibility for new releases with E-reader users

  • Readers see ads when they express interest in a targeted genre or subgenre
  • Can be used to promote new releases
  • eBook only format allows you to increase visibility for digital titles
  • Highlighting an important new release
  • Driving consideration for a lesser-known title in a top digital genre, like romance
  • Reaching eBook-only audiences with top-selling print titles.
  • Ads serve on Kindle E-readers’ Lock screen and Home screen
  • Build title awareness by exact and related genres or subgenres
  • Only eBooks are eligible, giving you access to digital readers
  • Works best for generating interest in frontlist titles in top digital genres, like romance, mystery and thriller and science fiction and fantasy

Lockscreen Ads: Targeting

Lockscreen Ads are targeted by interest:

  • Reach genre readers actively engaged with their Kindle E-readers
  • Target shoppers by the genres and subgenres they are browsing in
  • Allows you to display ads to niche audiences interested in your subgenre

Product Display Ads

Influence shoppers viewing titles that are similar or related to your books

  • Ads are targeted by interest or product, giving you options for finding the right audience.
  • Can be used to promote new releases or backlist titles
  • Can run continuously to remain top-of-mind for interested genre readers over time
  • Offering an alternative to a reader considering the purchase
  • Promoting a limited run deal
  • Relating your title to a best-selling author in the same genre

Product Display Ads: Placements

  • Ads serve on product detail pages
  • Desktop ad placement reaches shoppers at the point of purchase and redirects to your title
  • Build title and brand awareness by targeting similar books or popular authors in your genre

Product Display Ads: Targeting

Product Display Ads can be targeted in two ways:

By Interest:

  • Target shoppers by the genres and subgenres they are browsing in
  • Reach niche audiences interested in your subgenre

By Product:

  • Select related categories, or similar titles and authors to target your ads
  • Offer your title as an alternative at the point of purchase
  • Cross Sell by targeting related products outside of books

Campaign Reporting

Understand the impact of your advertising with easy-to-use reporting tools

  •  Track your performance at a campaign level or down to the individual keyword
  •  Monitor your impressions, clicks, spend and sales in one convenient location
  • Revise your budget allocation, campaign duration and bid amounts as your campaign runs
  • Reports can easily be downloaded directly to your computer

Additional Read:

12 Best Amazon PPC Optimization Tools for Sellers

3 CommentsClose Comments


  • Brianna
    Posted December 17, 2021 at 4:18 pm

    Informative blog

  • Isabella
    Posted December 17, 2021 at 10:04 pm

    Superb Blog

  • Abigail
    Posted December 18, 2021 at 11:22 pm

    Awesome and useful

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